
Sports Physicals

Private Medical Practices & Family Medicine and Primary Care located in Arlington, TX

Sports Physicals
Sports Physicals services offered in Arlington, TX

Playing on a school sports team often requires you to complete a sports physical to ensure you’re healthy enough to participate. At Primecare Family Practice, a private medical practice in Arlington, Texas, Lewis Nyantika, APRN, FNP-C, Maryline Ongangi, APRN, FNP-C, and their outstanding team offer comprehensive sports physicals for athletes of all ages. Call the office or schedule a physical online today.

Sports Physicals Q & A

What are sports physicals?

Sports physicals are medical evaluations that allow your primary care provider to determine if you’re in good health and if it’s safe for you to participate in sports training and competitions. These physicals help your specialist detect or rule out medical problems that might make certain forms of physical activity unsafe for you or your child.


What are the benefits of sports physicals?

Sports physicals are often required by school sports teams, but they also offer numerous benefits. Sports physicals can detect heart conditions, asthma, injuries, and other conditions that may make sports participation unsafe for you. Such physicals can even be life-saving in some cases.


What happens during sports physicals?

During sports physicals with the Primecare Family Practice team, you can expect:


Medical history review

Your provider asks questions about your symptoms, personal and family medical histories, lifestyle habits, and more during the medical history review portion of sports physicals.


Physical exam

Your primary care provider evaluates your breathing, heartbeat, reflexes, eyes, ears, throat, and more during a medical exam.


Health screening

Health screenings you may need include assessments of your pulse, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. You might require vision and hearing screenings, hearth-function testing, asthma testing (breathing tests), urine tests, imaging tests, or other diagnostic tests.



Sometimes, simply getting the right type of treatment can clear you to safely play sports. You might use an inhaler for asthma, take medications, or receive treatments for fractures or other injuries. The Primecare Family Practice team refers you to a specialist if you have a potentially complex medical problem. 


What happens after sports physicals?

If you pass your sports physical, your provider fills out the sports physical forms required by your school and gives you a copy. If you first need treatment before passing a sports physical, your primary care specialist reviews the treatment options with you.


How often do I need sports physicals?

You might need sports physicals yearly or as needed because of an injury. Even if your sports team doesn’t require a physical, you can still schedule one for you or your child to gain peace of mind. Call the Primecare Family Practice office if you develop new or unusual symptoms after you begin sports training.

To schedule sports physicals at Primecare Family Practice, call the office or book an appointment online today.